PS+CD members enjoy networking opportunities both virtually and, as seen above at the national planning conference.

Join as a Non-APA Member

Not an APA member? Let your APA membership lapse? No problem.... Join our Division as an APA affiliate member or student member!

The American Planning Association (APA) understands that not everyone can commit to paying for a full APA membership. Therefore APA welcomes anyone with a passion or interest in planning to sign up for a non-member APA account. This inclusive approach creates a low barrier entry point that welcomes a diversity of professional perspectives vital to building better communities. As an affiliate APA member you can still join and participate in any of the Planning Divisions but do not need to pay for a full APA membership! You can simply sign up for a non-member APA number. Or if you let your APA membership lapse you can still use your existing APA member to sign up for the Division only!

To join the Public Schools and Communities Division of APA as a non-member of APA just click on the link below and sign up to receive your non-member APA number. Once you have your APA number you can join the Public Schools and Communities Division of APA for only $40.

To join the Public Schools and Communities Division of APA as a student-member of APA just click on the link below and sign up to receive your student-member APA number. Once you have your APA number you can join the Public Schools and Communities Division of APA for free.

Join as a Non-Member